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Post by Ian »

J'aimerais que quelqu'un m'éclaire à savoir si ce fournisseur est crédible car ses poupées sont beaucoup moins chers que dans la liste de Gomdoll si on compare exactement les mêmes et ce en calculant la conversion de la devise américaine versus canadienne.
Dans certains cas on parle même d'une différence de 600$ shipping inclue.

Could somebody enlighten me on that one.
I wan't to know if this seller is legit because his prices are way lower than Gomdoll when you compare the same dolls and make the chaneover in canadian dollar.
Sometime we are even talking about a difference of 600$ shipping included.
La singularité est proche...
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Re: Legit?

Post by GomDoll »

I Ian,

This is our partner, you can trust them.
The only thing you need to know is you will have to pay brokerage, customs tax et sale tax of your country maybe 13% ??
Sometime customs will ask you to proof details of you purchase..so delivery can by longer.

Hope this will help to you
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Re: Legit?

Post by Pat »

Hello GomDoll,

A lot of those dolls come from AS,6ye etc...

Same as your website, why you do not include the manufacture name on the dolls?

I want to buy a head and I know it is a AS doll.
Will this be a replicate head or a real AS head?
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Re: Legit?

Post by Pat »

Ha Ok! Merci de l'information Alain

It is a little bit confusing hahahaha!

But I think I understand :D
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Re: Legit?

Post by GomDoll »

Haha Désolé pour mon anglais. :roll:
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